Friday, July 27, 2012

Ignorance is Bliss

Ignorance is Bliss.  Really that's not just a title, this is going to be one of those annoyingly introspective blog posts that you'll probably be glad you didn't read. If you aren't in that kind of mood, then you have my permission, no, blessing, to stop reading now...

A few years ago I took a very in depth personality profile through a program called Clarion, that a friend of mine takes people through. The primary goal of Clarion's assessment is to help people understand their own strengths and weaknesses, and what they bring to a team, so that they will be able work better as part of a team.  Parts of it are specifically geared to the church world, but the personality assessments were things I had learned about in psychology classes in college.  Clarion was one of the best things I ever could have done for my marriage, and I highly recommend it.  I would also recommend that any board or committee or ministry team go through the process.  It will revolutionize the way you interact.  If you are in New England and interested in learning more I can put you in touch with the friend who took me through it. 

One of the things Clarion assesses is how you handle being controlled.  Maybe managed is a better word. It came as no great shock that I value autonomy highly.  According to Clarion I don't have to be in control of others, but I really don't like being micro managed.  What it really comes down to is that I highly value being in control of my own outcomes. 

Recently I have learned that I really don't like being "out of the loop" when it comes to decisions being made around me.

Realizing this has forced some introspection.  Why is it that I can't be content with just doing the best I can with what I have been given?  Why do I feel the need to probe and push everything around me?  Clarion tells me that part of the reason is that I am what's called a "Change Agent".  Which may be a nice way of saying that I have the personality of "A person who can't leave well enough alone".  I prefer to think of it as "Challenger to the status quo".  To put into terms of another leadership book I read,  I'm more like the marine who takes the hill, than the guys who come in behind and set up artillery on it. 

I am coming to realize (or at least trying to realize) that ignorance is bliss, because when I stop trying to change everything around me I can focus on just changing what is in front of me.  Being faithful with a few things, rather than trying to leave my mark on everything.  This is helpful because I am also riddled with ADD... Perhaps it is possible that God intentionally has me out of the loop on certain things as a way of directing my focus to what He wants me to focus on.  A type of refinement through circumstances I would not have chosen. With that focus, I am able to move on from my typical "jack of all trades" type way of interacting with the world toward the excellence that is my ultimate goal. 

Thank you Lord, for putting up with me and my flawed ways of thinking.  Thank you for renewing my mind.  Help me to stay focused on the tasks you've called me to without meddling in the places that just don't need my "help".  Most of all thank you for your patience.

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